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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Food Spotlight - Plums

I think plums are delicious.  I prefer the damson(yellow flesh) over the black plum(red flesh) and have not had a chance to try other kinds yet.  Plums are the second most-cultivated fruit in temperate zones, being beaten by apples. (1)

Nutrition Facts

Borrowed from
  1. Contain vitamin c
  2. Phytonutrients neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid (2)
  3. Increases absorption of iron (2)
  4. Low Glycemic Index
  5. Good potassium source
  6. Useful after a workout b/c contains glucose, fructose and starch(fast, med, slow release)
  1. Toxic to dogs
Plums have an almost gooey texture and get to be quite sweet when fully ripe.  The skin is easier to chew than apple skin, but not as easy as peach skin, and has a sweet flavor.  I notice the difference in sweetness between a bite with skin and a bite without, the bite with being sweeter.


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