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Exercise Generator

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Lower Body Exercises

Wall sit
Lunge with rotation
Physioball Thrust
Lunge with bag
Lying Adductors
Hamtring focused glute bridge
Physioball Squat
Adductors lying down
Band Sprints
Sideways step-ups
Dumbbell RDL
Goblet Squat
Bosu Squat
Hip Thrusters
Bosu balance with eyes closed
Box step-up with lunge
Box jump
Prone scissors
Pilates Frog
Parachute sprints
Inward calves farmer carry
Glute bridge
Hamstring hops
Glute bridge with adduction on slides

Upper Body Exercises

Tight grip pushup
Tricep extension on bar
Pronated grip band row
Grip strengthening barbell hold
Farmer carry
TRX bicep single arm
Swoop pushup
Tight grip fist pushup
Internal rotations
Wide grip seated row
Dumbbell bench neutral grip
Single dumbbell overhead press
Supinated grip row
Bodyweight shoulder press
TRX triceps single arm
TRX chest press
Punching bag jump and grab
Alternating grip TRX row
Physioball chest press on wall
Seated row
Dumbbell curl
Pullup bar jut outs
Pillball pushup
Wrist extension with bodybar
Wrist flexion with bodybar
Double plate squeeze
Band forearm pulldowns
Granny shot
Pillball agility throws
Shot put
Knee pushup

Core Exercises

Bicycle crunch
TRX pike
Oblique mountain climbers
Mountain climbers
Full body crunch
TRX hip drop
Crawl with slides
Pike jump
Pilates ring
Pilates rollback
Pilates leg lowers
Pilates reverse plank
Pilates bike
Physioball bosu plank
Reverse crunch
Supported obliques
Hip closers
Hula hoop
Hip rocks
Weighted situp
Hip openers
6 inch killers
Side plank
Legs extended crunch
Supported crunch
External rotators stretch
Hip flexor stretch
Outer hip stretch
Knee to chest stretch
Tire flip
Bosu jumps
Pushup burpees

This application can be used to create a workout from a pre-filled list of exercises. The gif format is used to provide a demonstration of proper form.

This application is a work in progress and new features and exercises will be added continually. If you found this helpful please follow me on social media, share this page, and leave your comments below!


  1. Click on an exercise slot above represented by the stick figures to select that slot
    • The selected slot will have a blue border
  2. Click on a gif to fill the selected slot with that exercise
  3. Click the buttons to reveal the exercises for that category
  4. This application will work on most mobile browsers but a better experience may result from using the request desktop site function on your mobile browser

Future updates:

  • Tooltips with exercise details
  • Sets/Reps recommendations
  • Difficulty levels

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