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Friday, July 18, 2014

Ingredient Spotlight: Luo Han Guo or Monk Fruit extract

Lo Han Guo is a promising natural calorie-free sweetener that was developed in 1995.  In one of my previous posts, protein powder, the second protein powder listed contains Lo Han Guo.  Other than this example, few foods are seen containing it in the U.S.  As of April 2011, only 5 foods were seen to use Lo Han Guo as a sweetener. (2)

Just looking at the processing method, we can infer that this product is much safer than other sweeteners.  It only has four steps that do not involve chemicals, radiation, or heat.  I found a few listings of bottled sweetener made from Lo Han Guo on Amazon that are similar to Stevia and in some cases include stevia as well.  Lo Han Guo is a product that I currently consume within my MRM protein powder listed in this article.  I also was able to acquire some Monk Fruit in the Raw which I liked.  It doesn't have much of an aftertaste at all.  A relatively new, Dec. 2013, product by Chobani utilizes Monk Fruit Extract.  The Simply 100 yogurt uses a combination of Stevia and Monk Fruit to achieve a low-sugar alternative to flavored yogurts.

I was unable to find much research on health benefits/hazards but I will continue looking.

Processing Method
processing method 2
Chobani Simply 100

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