#Get all the names from an email or other list you have generated
#Text file must be manipulated first to contain only the name and email of each user.
#This can be accomplished by pasting all the names/emails into notepad, find and replace ; with , then save as csv.
#Open this csv with excel, copy/paste with transpose option then copy/paste into notepad and save as .txt
#Run the below on the .txt
$Users = Get-Content 'C:\Users\QMFAVO\Desktop\users.txt'
$Users -replace " <.*", "," | Out-File C:\Users\QMFAVO\Desktop\usersreadytoadd.csv
#Type "name," to the beginning of the file and save
#Copy/paste csv onto server
#Then run the below on the exchange server
$usersreadytoadd = Import-Csv 'C:\Users\QMFAVO\Desktop\usersreadytoadd.csv'
foreach ($User in $usersreadytoadd)
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "DistributionList@contoso.com" -Member "$($User.name.substring(1))"
#get rid of '
$Users = Get-Content 'C:\Users\QMFAVO\Desktop\usersreadytoadd.csv'
$Users -replace "'", "" | Out-File C:\Users\QMFAVO\Desktop\usersreadytoadd.csv
#get rid of commas
$Users = Get-Content 'C:\Users\QMFAVO\Desktop\usersreadytoadd.csv'
$Users -replace ",", "" | Out-File C:\Users\QMFAVO\Desktop\usersreadytoadd.csv
#usersreadytoadd.csv should have only Names in this format without quotes "John Smith"
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