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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables

This study tested 47 fruits and vegetables and classified 41 of them as Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables(PFVs) based on the amount of bioavailable nutrients they contain.  Included nutrients were: potassium, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, zinc, and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K.  The higher the rating, the more nutrient dense the food. More of these nutrients means less chronic disease.  By giving your body adequate amounts of these molecules, it is able to prevent disease.
Borrowed from

This table lists the 41 vegetables and fruits defined as PFV by this study.  I was surprised by some of the foods I saw on here, as well as the ones that I didn't.  I eat relatively healthily but I haven't eaten half of the things from the top 10 on this list.  How is the average American doing in regards to this table?

Few people meet the requirements for fruit and vegetable consumption and it is likely the fruits and vegetables being eaten aren't found at the top of the PFV table.  I can see certain things like oranges, lettuce, spinach, tomato, sweet potatoes, carrots, and broccoli but most of the others I think most people won't eat often if ever.  It's much easier to maintain good health by eating foods from this table.  As we get older, these types of foods become increasingly important.  The chart in the middle shows how much room to improve we have as Americans.  Of course, fruits and vegetables are low in calories, but the fact that they don't show up even towards the bottom is a problem.

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